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Customized Packing Machine Line Online

4166 2014.12.25 1

Q: dear sir/madam,

 we are al ramooz national llc from muscat oman looking for packing machine line pet bottles packing sealing and labeling of dates syrup in pet bottles .kindly send us the proposal as soon as possible prices if sohar port with all terms and conditions .our processing plant capacity is 500 to 800 kg dates per hour .

kindly email your proposal with best rates .   




A: dear Nitin,

This is Miss Eleven from guanhao machinery Can you please send me a picture of you bottle? Because I really need to know that if bottle is flat or round, different bottle different price, I'm look forward to your answer, because I need that information to make you a quotation, And check in attachment for you reference from my another customer's filing machine for filing vinegar. Have a nice day


Q: Dear Eleven ,

Please find attached with email pics of bottles samples , we want pet bottles and rates for glass bottles also .

We are looking for 250 ml to 500 ml packing with labeling, capping and sealing all functions in that machines.

A: good day, Dear Nitin,

Please can you tell me in attachment mark in packaging is the bottle you need? Or all bottles you need, And I would like to let you know, different bottle different price, like for labeling, flat and round bottle is different, And filling , capping, labeling it is in a production line, it is not one machine can be finish all, Last it is for this 250-500ml, how many bottle you want for a hour?i mean the capacity,  how is the size of this bottle?

Please let me know, and then I can quote you a price,


Q: Dear ELEVEN ,

Thanks for your quick reply -

All bottles marked with pen we require same bottles.

Size can be two 250 ml to 500 ml .

Same shape as shown in pictures .

We have a date syrup production line of 500 to 800 kg dates per hour so as per that you can match our requirement .

We need a compile line which can be attached with our exsisting processing line for filling, capping, labeling , sealing .or you can design our a complie setup with filling,capping, labeling, sealing functions?


A: Dear Nitin,

Many thanks for mail

I will discuss with my engineer and make a scheme, and I will answer

you soon, have a great day,


Q:Dear Eleven

Did u receive samples bottles pic we want same bottles as shown in pics and packing of that bottles kindly reply back soon

Regards Nitin


A: Hi,Nitin, Im so sorry to late ,

We have a fair in Guangzhou , today is the last day, so I need to help there, Now im going to take all of your information to my engineer to check for you, Thank you so much


Q: Dear Eleven But did u receive pictures samples same bottles we require


A: Yes,I got it

Nitin,you have 5 type of bottle,

2 of them are round bottle, 3 of them are flat bottle, All is use PET

material for bottle ,right?

Check in attachment some question I need to know,

1.No.1 PET round bottle, clear for us what kind of cap you will use

2.No.2 PET round bottle, clear for us what kind of cap you will use

3. No. 3 PET flat bottle, the cap will be same as photo ?

4.No.4 PET flat bottle, this kind of shape we afraid we can't do, and

 please make sure the gap from cap to the bottle mouth, we need to

know, 5, No.5 PET flat bottle, please make sure the gap from cap to

the bottle mouth, we need to know, As above for round bottle we can do it as so well, just the flat shape bottle, Please confirm to me when you get this mail.



Q: Dear Eleven, Cap will be pet. Flat bottle cap will be same as shown in pics


A: Dear Nitin, please check in attachment for scheme, and the solution for all of your bottle,

As some bottle need to hand work for capping, show in picture:

  Hope you can get back to me soon, BR/Eleven


Q: Dear Eleven, after check with my partner, we agree your solution for all bottles I have now,

We will arrange the deposit as soon as we can, because our production construction has been started in last week, please check in attachment for contract after sign, about the delivery date, if you can try it faster is much better for us, wish you have a good day.

BR Nitin.


A: Dear Nitin, good day, many thanks for your confirm, I will communicate with my engineer

And try it faster, I will let you know if I have any question, hope we have nice cooperation and get our long term business start.

Have a great day,
